Ideal Life is in Your Hand. Unleash Your Maximum Potential & Value.

Only one profession in the World
KARADA Consultant
Give your 15-min to recognize one new view in you

“Dear me in 6 months, I am going to make you so damn PROUD.”

Welcome to Game Change.

Only, only for those who want the path to success,

Stop dream…Start becoming.

カラダとは…”KARADA” means…


🇺🇸🇬🇧The concept of the integrated and comprehensive aspects of life-being. It is a unique Japanese word that combines not only just about the Physical element, but also the Psychological element of Mental, the Cognitive element, the Spiritual element, Financial element, the Social element, the Living-style element, the Cultural element, and the life element, YES, it includes EVERYTHING…Your body (Karada) more than you can imagine, it is the source and foundation of everything. It is the most important gift you have in your one time life.

🇪🇸El concepto de los aspectos integrados y completos del ser de vida. Es una palabra japonesa única que combina no solo el elemento físico, sino también el elemento psicológico, mental, cognitivo, espiritual, financiero, social, cultural y vital. SÍ, incluye TODO… Tu cuerpo (Karada) es más de lo que te puedes imaginar, es la fuente y el fundamento de todo. Es el regalo más importante que tienes en tu vida.

🇫🇷Le concept des aspects intégrés et complets de la vie. C’est un mot japonais unique qui combine non seulement l’élément physique, mais aussi l’élément psychologique, mental, cognitif, spirituel, financier, social, culturel et vital. OUI, il inclut TOUT… Votre corps (Karada) plus que vous ne pouvez l’imaginer, il est la source et le fondement de tout. C’est le cadeau le plus important que vous ayez reçu dans votre vie.

🇩🇪Das Konzept der integrierten und umfassenden Aspekte des Lebens. Es ist ein einzigartiges japanisches Wort, das nicht nur das physische Element, sondern auch das psychologische Element des Mentalen, das kognitive Element, das spirituelle Element, das finanzielle Element, das soziale Element, das Lebensstilelement, das kulturelle Element und das Lebenselement vereint. JA, es umfasst ALLES … Ihr Körper (Karada) ist mehr als Sie sich vorstellen können, er ist die Quelle und Grundlage von allem. Er ist das wichtigste Geschenk, das Sie in Ihrem Leben erhalten.

🇵🇹O conceito dos aspectos integrados e abrangentes do ser-vida. É uma palavra japonesa única que combina não só o elemento Físico, mas também o elemento Psicológico do Mental, o elemento Cognitivo, o elemento Espiritual, o elemento Financeiro, o elemento Social, o elemento de Estilo de Vida, o elemento Cultural, e o elemento de vida, SIM, inclui TUDO…O seu corpo (Karada) mais do que possa imaginar, é a fonte e a base de tudo. É o presente mais importante que tem na sua vida.


🇷🇺🇺🇦Концепция интегрированных и всеобъемлющих аспектов жизни-бытия. Это уникальное японское слово, которое объединяет не только Физический элемент, но и Психологический элемент Ментального, Когнитивный элемент, Духовный элемент, Финансовый элемент, Социальный элемент, Элемент Образа Жизни, Культурный элемент и элемент жизни, ДА, оно включает ВСЕ… Ваше тело (Карада) больше, чем вы можете себе представить, оно является источником и основой всего. Это самый важный дар, который у вас есть в вашей единственной жизни.

🇮🇱תפיסת ההיבטים המשולבים והמקיפים של החיים-הוויה. זוהי מילה יפנית ייחודית המשלבת לא רק את האלמנט הפיזי, אלא גם את האלמנט הפסיכולוגי של הנפש, האלמנט הקוגניטיבי, האלמנט הרוחני, היסוד הפיננסי, האלמנט החברתי, אלמנט סגנון החיים, האלמנט התרבותי ואלמנט החיים, כן, היא כוללת הכל… הגוף שלך (קרדה) יותר ממה שאתה יכול לדמיין, זה המקור והבסיס של הכל. זו המתנה הכי חשובה שיש לך בחייך החד פעמיים.

مفهوم الجوانب المتكاملة والشاملة للحياة. إنها كلمة يابانية فريدة تجمع ليس فقط بين العنصر الجسدي، بل وأيضًا العنصر النفسي العقلي، والعنصر المعرفي، والعنصر الروحي، والعنصر المالي، والعنصر الاجتماعي، وعنصر أسلوب المعيشة، والعنصر الثقافي، وعنصر الحياة. نعم، إنها تشمل كل شيء… جسدك (الكارادا) أكثر مما تتخيل، فهو مصدر وأساس كل شيء. إنه الهدية الأكثر أهمية التي لديك في حياتك التي لا تدوم سوى مرة واحدة.🇸🇦

– 何をするにも、カラダは全ての資本であり、根源である。

“Whatever you do, your KARADA is your source, and your everything.”

Taizo KASUYA – An introduction to your new life guide…

・カラダコンサルタント / KARADA-Consultant
・ライフクリエイティブプロデューサー / Life Creative Producer

TAIZO is more than just a fitness & health consultant – he’s a KARADA transformation specialist with a unique background of continuous challenges and self-evolution. His journey began with pursuing NBA dreams in US, learning Jiu-jitsu in Brazil, and playing Professional Football (Soccer) across 4 countries. These experiences awakened & curious him to the true potential of the human body, beyond being an athlete.

His perspective was shaped by Japanese Zen & Tea philosophy, Martial Arts Techniques, and the rigors of Western Professional Sports. Going beyond his athletic career, he pursued a doctoral degree in human physiology and gained experience as an educator and researcher before establishing himself as a “KARADA Consultant”operating on a global stage.  His professional mission is to support unlock the clients’ maximum potential and value through the body, the precious.

続き… Continue to read….

The core of his consulting approach goes far beyond temporary sessions (health improvement, training, alternative medicine, bodywork, health management), instead, he looks at the entirety of a client’s KARADA and lifestyle (as defined by his methodology). His program typically involves a half year commitment period to achieve set goals (10C’s). He uses comprehensive management (DTCCP), a holistic approach (HEXAGON), and a relentless pursuit of improvement to create fundamental changes in clients’ life (to initiate a revolution in the client’s life).

His services are highly specialized and premium-priced, offering customized physical transformation and performance enhancement programs tailored to each individual with unique insights. Specifically, he provides…
– 科学的データ分析(体組成、生理検査、生活習慣と背景)Scientific data analysis (body composition, physiological tests)
– 好重量のトレーニングを取り入れたカスタマイズプログラム Customized programs incorporating training
– 身体(神経筋骨格)の調律と根本ケア Physical (neuro skeletal-muscle) adjustment and care
– 食事と栄養、睡眠のガイダンス Food & Nutrition and sleep guidance
– 脳の認知とメンタルマネジメント Brain Cognition and Mental Management
– 包括的なライフスタイルカウンセリング Overall lifestyle counseling

単なる健康改善を目指すのではなく、持続可能な「理想のライフスタイルの変革」を実現することが目標です。彼のアプローチには、Taizoメソッドの一部である「Body Transition(ボディ・トランジション)」の概念があります。これは、行動、身体、そして思考の習慣の段階的な変化理論と組み合わせ、Reforming、Transforming、Performingの各ステージを通じてクライアントを導きます。
The goal isn’t just health improvement but creating sustainable “ideal lifestyle transformation.” His approach includes the concept of “Body Transition” (part of SHEPHERD in Taizo Method), which guides clients through the process of Reforming, Transforming, and Performing stages, as to combination of gradual habit changes theory—behavioral, physical, and mental.

His methods are truly revolutionary, capable of bringing about changes not only in the body but also in behavior and mindset. His expertise covers all these areas. Above all, the ultimate goal of his service is to help clients achieve their “life purpose” within their lifestyle, centered around the strong belief of creating the “ultimate -self.” His clients includes not only athletes but also high-end individuals and influencers from around the world, who seek excellence in physical & life performance, appearance, and inner well-being. He puts all his passion into ensuring those clients who can maximize their wish at their best of bests in life.

He’s worked an astounding number of people with over 230,000 people, sometimes consulting up to 4,000 clients monthly. His influence in the sports world is significant, and part of his achievements include…

– リバプールFCやトランメア・ローヴァーズのトレーナーや選手をサポート Supporting Liverpool FC & Tranmere Rovers’ trainers and players
– オリンピックと世界選手権で50+の金メダル(計80+のメダル)を導く
– 約200名のオリンピアン/ジュニアオリンピアンをサポート Training approximately 200 Olympians/Junior Olympians
– 37種目で1,200人のアスリートを指導 Coaching 1,200 athletes across 37 sports
– 6カ国のナショナルチームと20カ国の代表選手をサポート Supporting national teams in 6 countries and representatives from 20 countries
– 英国の大学で主要なトレーニングプログラムを指導し、60人のトレーナープログラムを率いる Leading major training programs at British universities leading a team of 60 trainers
– アメリカの大学バスケットボール選手権でトレーナーとして優勝に貢献 Contributing to a U.S. college basketball championship as a trainer
– 200人以上の身体とメンタルの専門家を養成 Educating over 200 body physical & mental specialists

His expertise spans exercise physiology, sports medicine, neuroscience, molecular nutrition, sleep science, biomechanics, primatology, behavioral psychology, religious studies, philosophy, and various other fields. This comprehensive knowledge allows him to effectively work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds.

While his journey is still ongoing, TAIZO has already provided exceptional services to many clients, leading to numerous successes. He continues to provide exceptional service and pursue ultimate customization in KARADA reaching even greater heights. This grand story is just one part of the dream he continues to chase.

Taizo’s positions –
・PhD (cont’)., Mphil., MSc., BSc (Hons)., DC.
・カラダコンサルタント / Taizo KASUYA IDL. (Karada -Consultant)
・泰造総合研究所合同会社 代表 / Taizo Production LLC. CEO
・トラベルデザイン合同会社 代表 / Travel Design LLC. CEO
・ライフスタイル合同会社 代表 / Life Style LLC. CEO
・カラダコンサルティング協会 代表理事 / Karada-Consulting Assoc. Representative Direcotr

#元プロサッカー選手 #オリンピックトレーナー #ヒーラー #代替医療従事者 #カイロプラクター #オステオパス #馬施術家 #ヨガエキスパート #武術家 #教育家 #研究家 #ライフコーチ #キッズコンサルタント #トラベルデザイナー #イベンター #起業家 #慈善家 #翻訳/通訳家 #文化パトロン #芸術家 #グランドコンセプター #地球游人 #冒険家 #茶人 #葉巻人

#Former Professional Footballer #Olympic Trainer #Healer #Alternative Medicine Practitioner #Chiropractor #Osteopath #Equine Therapist #Yoga Expert #Martial Artist #Educator #Researcher #Life Coach #Child Consultant #Travel Designer #Eventor #Entrepreneur #Philanthropist #Interpreter #Cultural Patron #Artist #Grand Conceptor #Globetrotter #Adventurer #Tea Expert #Cigar Expert

経歴 – Career, the path to be who I am now –

■ 教育歴 – Education

– PhD. Sports Science / 運動生理 (英 Liverpool John Moores Univ. – cont’)

– MPhil. Sports Science / 運動生理 (英 Liverpool John Moores Univ. & Univ. Liverpool)

– MSc. Sports Science and Management / 運動生理学&スポーツマネジメント (英 Liverpool John Moores Univ.)

– DC. Doctor of Chiropractic / 世界基準カイロプラクティック (日 WHO国際基準カイロプラクティック学校)

– BSc. Sports Medicine and Psychology / スポーツ医学&運動サイエンス学&心理学 (米 Oklahoma Baptist Univ. & Univ. Oklahoma)

– NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork) / 米国セラピー専門学校

and more…

■ 資格 – Licenses, Diploma, and Certificate

– Doctor of Chiropractic WHO国際基準カイロプラクティック (日 – 東京カレッジオブカイロプラクティック)
– Cert. Osteopath 国際基準オステオパシー (英 – EIU /米 – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork)
– Cert. NSCA CSCS & CPT (米 – Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist & Certified Personal Trainer)
– Cert. UKBCS (英 – UK Strength & Conditioning Association)
– Cert. NCBTMB / (米 – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork)
– Cert. Naturopathy ナチュロパシー (英 – EIU / 米 – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork)
– Cert. Homeopathy ホメオパシー (英 – EIU /米 – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork)
– BSc. & Cert. Psychopathy 心理療法 (米 – Oklahoma Baptist Univ. & Univ. Oklahoma)
– Cert. Metabolism & Nutrition 代謝栄養 (英 – Univ. Liverpool)
– AASP 世界心理学協会メンバー (Association for Applied Sport Psychology) in USA

and more…

■ 研究歴 – Research

– Research published in domestic and international universities / 国内外の大学機関で研究掲載

– Performance transition in Premier football club during the multiple in seasons 2015~

– Chiropractic manipulation for sports performance enhancement – meta analysis 2019.

– ECSS presentations & panel discussions 2014~2016.

– Psycho-physiological performance in elite athletes during the football season 2014.

– Response of cognitive and physiological performance in soccer players during small-sided games 2013.

– Psycho-physiology of Elite Athlete 2013.

and more…

■ 臨床歴 – Field experience

– 2016 ~ Taizo KASUYA IDL. – カラダコンサルタント

– 2016 ~ 各業務提携 (スポーツコンサル・パーソナルトレーナー・整体・カイロプラクティック・栄養コンサル・睡眠コンサル・キッズ教育etc)

– 2013 ~ Olympian consultant, EIS member, Team GB member, etc

– 2013 ~ Liverpool FC physiology consulting assistant & Personal consultant for players & staffs

– 2013 ~ 2016 Tranmere Rovers FC Head Performance Specialist

– 2012 ~ 2016 MSc, Mphil, S&C Training Program of 60, and others / 英国大学院にてMSc., Mphil, PhdをしながらSC Programの立ち上げ、オリンピアン監修、一般人監修など

– 2008 ~ 2012 Field experience while playing professional football / 欧州/世界各地にてプロサッカーをしながら独自で起業(カラダコンサルティングの前身)、馬の整体など

and more…

■ 教育指導歴 – Teaching

**2017 ~ Mainly in domestic / 主に国内にて
– 2024 ~ (社)カラダコンサルティング協会立ち上げ~活動を通して
– 2017 – 2020 国内大学特別講師
and more…

**2008 ~ Mainly in Europe / 欧州にて
– 2015 – 2016 LJMU New Complex construction member
– 2013 ~ 2016 LJMU Strength & Conditioning Program Co-Founder, Leader & Lecturer / 英国大学SC Program立ち上げ
and more…

**2005 ~ Between Japan & USA / 日米にて
– 2006 ~ 2008 Events & Kids education in between US & Japan / 日米のキッズ教育・イベントを通して
– 2006 ~ Consultant for Study Abroad to USA
and more…

■ 業務提携歴 – Business collaboration

– Brilliant Plus LLC. – Management of domestic and international sporting events, athlete education, study abroad agent, organizing summer & winter sports camps for children, etc. / 主に国内外のスポーツイベントのマネジメント、アスリート教育・留学斡旋、子供向けの夏/冬のスポーツキャンプ運営など

– Sports Management Corp. – Management of domestic sporting events, domestic and international sporting tours, sports-related salons, etc. / 主に国内におけるスポーツイベントのマネジメント、国内外スポーツツアー、スポーツに関するサロンなど

– Various domestic training facilities and treatment centers – Personal training, alternative medical treatment, chiropractic , etc / 国内の各トレーニング施設&治療院 – パーソナルトレーニング、施術や根本解決のための治療、栄養指導、専門家育成など

– JSEA (Japan Sports Education Academy) – Rugby sevens, rugby promotion activities, rugby & sports kids, sports & activity summer camps, etc. / JSEA(日本スポーツ教育アカデミー) – ラグビー7人制、ラグビー普及活動、ラグビー&スポーツキッズ、スポーツ&アクティビティサマーキャンプなど

– Other events/projects in Japan and overseas / ほか国内外でのイベント/プロジェクト

and more…

== Works ==

大切な方々の声 – Testimonial, appreciate to those who shared the generou words

“He is a wonderful coach and also a proper gentleman. He knows what he does. I really enjoyed knowing him.”

– Former cycling gold medalist with 30+ WORLD CHAMPION

“WOW, he is the top man. I really appreciate what he has done. please refer anything I can do for him”

– LFC legend & Ballon d’or ×2

Retweeted…”about mechanism of human extension transparing to (space) rocket”

– Retweeted by Tesla CEO & Space X

“He is a wonderful coach and also a proper gentleman. He knows what he does. I really enjoyed knowing him.”

– Boxing super heavy weight world champion

“I met him through my chiropractor. I knew he was good, but I now know him GREAT”

– Former world No.1 tennis player

and many more…

“I am lucky to know this man, Taizo.
He has an extraordinary enthusiasm that brought an attention to be a part of former Liverpool family.
Please treat him as one of the best of bests of what he does in his profession. Best wishes,”

– Former England & LFC captain

クライアントたち – Former clients, who have enhanced the potential in life?

▶︎ スポーツ関連 – Sports Related

・7 Olympic Games in teams & individuals (4 Summers & 3 Winters) / 7度の五輪大会のうち4度の夏季&3度の冬季五輪大会の国&個 (since 2012 – )
・6 World Cups in individual players (3 Men’s & 3 Women’s) / 6度のサッカーW杯のうち3度の男子&3度の各個人選手 (since 2012 – )
・3 Rugby World Cups in teams & individual players / 3度の男子ラグビーW杯のチーム&個人選手 (since 2012 – )
・3 Rugby Sevens Tournaments / 3度の男子7人制ラグビーツアー&W杯の個人選手 (since 2012 – )
・Liverpool FC physiology consulting assistant & individual approaches / 英国プレミアリーグLFC関連
・Tranmere Rovers FC Head Performance Coordinator / 英国3部リーグTRFC関連
・Liverpool John Moores S&C Program Founder & Leader /リバプールジョンムア大学S&Cプログラム創設
・Rugby Warrington Wolves S&C Advisor / ワーリントンウルブズ S&Cアドバイザー

and more…

▶︎ 一般の方々 – Generals

・GB Headquarter Puma & USA Headquarter NIKE / 英国プーマ & 米国ナイキ
・Company & Organization consulting / 企業研修や団体のカラダコンサル監修, 某大学の教員グループ, 某大学の学部学生グループ 某中小企業の従業員グループ

・Generals – Pre-Retired athletes, company presidents and CEOs, association and organization representatives, medical related (representatives, doctors and workers), lawyers and organization representatives, international people including embassy and consulate officials, cultural people, world-people in power, high-end, famous influencers, entertainers, international artists, musicians, models, engineers, astronauts, tea masters, adventurers, pioneers, physical experts, mentalists, pilots, dancers, motor drivers, golfers, performers, circus, actors, jockeys and many horses, and many public clients age from 6 months to 103 yrs. / 引退前後のアスリート, 企業の会長や経営者, 団体の代表者, 医療関係者や従事者, 弁護士の団体代表や弁護士, 大使館や領事館や外交官, 文化に携わる方々, 権力者, ハイエンド, 著名なインフルエンサー, 芸能の関係者, 様々な国際的アーティスト, 芸術家, 音楽家, モデル, エンジニア, 宇宙飛行士, 茶人, 冒険家, パイオニア, カラダの専門家, パイロット, ダンサー, モーター関係, パフォーマー, サーカス, アクター, ジョッキーや多くの馬達(ホース), 生後6ヶ月~103歳までのとにかく多くの一般の方々

and more…

▶︎ スポーツ関連団体 – Organizations & Associations

・Domestic & International Corporations and education organizations / 国内外の企業や教育機関
・EIS (English Institute of Sports) / 英国スポーツ団体関連
・Team GB SC & Science Consultant / 英国オリンピックチーム関連
・Summer Olympics by Country (Team GB, USA Relay, Canada, Spain Several, Jamaica, Gibraltar) / 夏季オリンピック関連の国と各選手
・Winter Olympics by Country (Team GB, Germany, USA, Canada) / 冬季オリンピック関連の国と各選手
・Germany Youth Olympic Team / ドイツユースオリンピックチームの各選手
・Other Organizations through World sports events, Asian sports events, Common wealth sports events, and Global & Local sports events (Gold/金30+・Silver & Bronze/銀&銅30+) / ほか世界大会・アジア大会・ローカル大会のチーム, 運営, 各選手

and more…

▶︎ チーム – Team Sports

・GB Women’s Lacrosse / 英国女子ラクロス代表 (World Cup 3rd )
・GB Women’s Netball / 英国女子ネットボール代表 (World Cup 3rd)
・FA Women’s / FA女子サッカー代表チーム&選手 (World Cup)
・GB M Rowing coxless four / 英国ローイングコックスフォーチーム(Gold/金×2・Silver/銀×1)
・GB Women’s Field Hockey / 英国女子フィールドホッケー(Gold/金×1・Bronze/銅×2)
・GB M 7th Rugby / 英国7人制ラグビー(Silver/銀×1)
・Field Hockey Team / フィールドホッケー
・GB M Team Spring / 英国チームスプリントチーム(Gold/金×1)

**Others including…
・M Field Hockey Team / フィールドホッケーチーム
・M/W Youth Alpines Team / 英国ユースアルペンチーム
・Women’s Football Clubs / 各国女子サッカーのチーム&選手
・NBA OKC Thunder / オクラホマサンダーのチーム&各選手
・Japan Professional & National Athletes / 日本サッカー関連, なでしこ関連, ほかチーム&各選手

and more…

▶︎ 個人 – Individuals

・M Tennis Olympics/ テニス五輪 (Gold/金×2・Silver/銀×1) & World Tournaments/世界大会(Multiple)
・M Boxing Olympics/ ボクシング五輪 (Gold/金×1)
・M Keirin Olympics/競輪五輪 (Gold/金×4) &World Championship/世界選手権(Gold/金×20+)
・M/W Taekwondo Olympics / テコンドー五輪 (Gold/金×2・Silver/銀×2・Bronze/銅×1)
・M Gymnastic Olympics/ 体操競技五輪(Gold/金×3・Bronze/銅×3)
・Others including…Many Olympians, Universiade & Commonwealth Champions

and more…

▶︎ 競技監修歴 Sports Supervised

37 sports in total
*Soccer (football/futsal) | *Rugby sevens | *Rugby union | *Athletics/short distance | *Athletics/jumping | *Athletics/throwing | *Athletics/middle and long distance | *Basketball | *Volleyball | *Tennis | *Alpine skiing | *Alpine snowboarding | *Ice skating | *Netball | *Lacrosse | *Field hockey | Water polo | Cycling road (Tour de) | *Cycling Keirin | *Rowing (four-person) | *Handball | *Trampoline | Australian football | American football | *Taekwondo | *Boxing | *Judo | *Gymnastics | Fencing | *Weightlifting | *Cheerleading | *Surfing | *Baseball | *Triathlon | Marathon | Horse racing jockey | Racehorse

*Denotes the sports of athletes who have participated in the Olympics and World Championship game



We, human…

 We, human, all continue to walk throughout the entire life. Whether we walk right or not, will path the whole of life.

For every person…

あらゆる人間にとって、健康でいること、それは何より大事なこと。パフォーマンスを最大に発揮できる、これは実力です。健康で、自分の人生を輝かせる。成し遂げたいこと、理想となるカラダのパフォーマンスを発揮、その秘訣とは…それは、『欲』なのです。どんな『欲』を描き、どこまで『欲』を持ち続けられるか?本当の『欲』とは、自分の奥底からフツフツと湧き出る、大切な、大切なエネルギーです。- 人間、一生歩く、正しく歩くか否かは、一生を支配する
 For every person, being healthy is the most important element above all else. Unleashing your full potential, that is the true strength. Lighting up your own life…Achieving what you want, obtaining the body you envision – the key to that is…It is a “Desire.” What kind of desire are you imagining, and how long can you hold on to it? “True desire” is a powerful energy that rises from deep within, a vital and precious force in you. Pursuit to your ideal life, your only own journey….begins.

The most important thing in your life…

瓶に例えた人生の哲学のお話し、すでにご存知かもしれません。ただ、これに加えて、もし“自分の瓶のサイズ”を最大化できるとしたら、あなたはどうしますか? そして、どうやって実現しますか?
 You may already know the life in a Jar…But “if” you are able to maximize the size of your Jar…What would you decide to do? and How would you make that happen…

If you can clearly see from the future version of you

 Victory for your life. Believe or not, everyone who success, everyone who has ideal -self, have in common. If the ideal “future version of you” could consulting to the “present version of you” …What would you do ? Approaching to the “SUCCESSFUL YOURSELF” for your future, let me be a help. Achieving the “best of the bests” in your life. Be successful one.

== Service ==

ストーリー – Stories, greatest story always attract people…

▶︎対談集 Coming up…

▶︎Before and After Coming up…

▶︎オフィスの環境 Coming up…

対象者 – For who wants to success


Here’s a question…For you who are successful, or want to be one, or even greater heights…”is your current KARADA is the best condition that you can ask for?”

– 人生において成功したい方、または成功者として、もっと高みを望んでいる方へ。
I am for you, who want to success, or who are succeeded in life but more.

– あなたが設定した人生の目的を達成するため、史上最輝の自分になる願いを持っている方。
I am for you, who want to achieve your set-goals to become greatest version of you.

– 世界中のハイエンドの方々、そして、インフルエンサーとして、もっと価値を上げたい方。
I am for you, who want to increase your value & potential as influencer, as high-end person above all.

– どうしても、どうしても、あなた自身の目標を達成したい方。
I will definitely work with you, who want to accomplish your goals at all costs.

– 万人に共通していることは、一度の人生において達成してみたい目的や目標は、必ず持っています。ただ、自分の理想となり、成功している方々に共通していること、想いを持って本気で貫いて生きてます。一度の人生…“何か”を本気で成し遂げたいと想いを持っているあなたを手掛けさせてください。
What everyone has in common is that we all have a purposes & goal that we want to achieve. What successful people have in common with their ideals is that they are doing it seriously, consistently with the best will. You only have one life… I will work with you IF you are very serious about achieving.

I am currently on between several countries. I am doing my best, but can only consult about 100 people a year.

『No…』または『NOT YET…』の方は、このまま下へ。

If you answer is “No…” or “NOT YET…”, please continue to read below.

カラダコンサルの目標の一例 – Example s of Objective, you might be interested in

– “自分で定めた”、やってみたい、達成してみたい、人生において、壮大な夢または些細なことの…目的や目標。全ては人生を成功させるするために、まずは基盤となるカラダを手がけていく。そのカラダをどうしたいか、イメージして、実行して、達成していく。その先にあるあなたが描いた人生像を現実に手に入れる。
“You set it yourself,” you want to success, you want to achieve, you want to try, it can be the biggest dream to a trivial thing in life…all need is your purpose and goal for a life success. To achieve, you FIRST work on your KARADA, which is the foundation of everything. Imagine what you want to do with that KARADA, make plan, and then action, and achieve will be await. Beyond that, you will have all the imagination you draw.

 ・カラダのパフォーマンスを向上させることによる目的や目標の達成。- Who want to achieve own life purpose & goals by improving KARADA.ヘルスやウェルネスに対しての根本的なアプローチHealth & Wellness construction and foundation set.・ライフスタイルの改善、そして構築。 – Life-style construction & maximum improvement.身体改造/革命。また、ビジュアルの美しさや、理想となるボディライン形成。- Transforming the physical & mental status. Outside beauty, the ideal Sillouhette.・生活、仕事、趣味趣向、人生におけるパフォーマンスの向上と達成。 – Daily life & Life style performance enhancement.・スポーツや芸術のパフォーマンスの向上と維持。- Sports performance improvement & maintenance.・フィットネスレベルの向上と維持。- Fitness level improvement & maintenance.・内的な美容/ビューティー、そしてクレンジング。- Inside Beauty and Cleansing.・リハビリテーションや怪我からの復帰。- Injury Rehab & Recovery.・急性・慢性疾患または生活習慣からの回復。- Acute & Chronic illness treatment.・エイジングケアやマインドマネジメント。- Aging care & Mind management.・ほかに、身体改善(免疫力向上・精神力安定・心身デトックス・腸活・脳活・減量・ダイエット)。 – Others incld. Immunity improvement, Mental stability, Mental and Physical detoxification, Intestinal activity, Brain activity, Weight loss, diet.・ほかに、医師では解決できなかった個々の目的や悩みなど。- In addition, fundamental constitutional improvement to achieve individual goals, individual problems that could not be solved by doctors.・ほかに、世にあるサービスでは解決できなかった。- In addition, those above that could not be solved by other professional services.

サービスの概要 – Approaching What can I do for you?



・Reform – まずは、自己改善、変換、そして、改良。あるべきになる、戻る。
・Transform – 次に、自己改革、また、変革。なりたいになる、変わる。
・Perform – そして、自己革命、また、実現。最も輝くパフォーマンスに達成する。掲げた目標を達成する。






The importance of 10 C’s to remain for your success

The importance of 10C's to remain for your success

メニュー – Menu

Q & A, people always have such questions…

Q: どんな効果が得られるのか?- What kind of effect can I get?


A:It depends on what you want to do with your KARADA, and LIFE. However, unless you clarify the meaning of the image of change, it can be a waste of time and effort. This KARADA-Consulting service is a program to first set the life goal you want to achieve, and shift your KARADA to one that suits it. Effect is a result, and it’s all about creating ideal KARADA that can achieve your goal.

Q: どんな内容?頻度?期間?- What is the content? Frequency? Duration?


A:The content, frequency, and duration are different for every individual person. Your KARADA changes every day, every minutes, and every client has own purpose and goal setting. My service is to create the best program for your suits. 100 clients, there will be 100 different contents.

Q: どうやってコンタクト?サービスを受けられるのか?初回までの流れ?- How do I contact you? How can I receive the service? What is the process?


A:I can only see a limited number of people per year, so please contact above directly. First, I will set up the first counseling session where we both are on near site (Office of Tokyo, LA, London, Madrid, HK). Then, we take a time to build a future policy & rough sketch, and decide whether to receive the service. If you decide to do, then I will create the program, may have hand-on session at first visit. From 2nd visit, the program starts. However, there will be one time session or monthly options, too so please refer menus on “service” page.

Q: 一律の値段とは?費用対効果?返金?- What is the flat rate? Cost-effectiveness? Refund?


A:A flat rate is all support until you set and achieve your goal, regardless of the number of sessions or content. Usually, the service fee is incurred by a contract for a period of 4 to 9 months. The average consultation period is 4 to 6 months. Refund policy is available, please contact.

Q: どんな方が不適応者となってきますか?- Who would be the clients as a misfit to the service?


A:Not for those who are aiming for only relaxation and massage. Not for those who do not cooperate with interviews, examinations, treatments, plans, etc., and cannot build a relationship of trust. Not for repayment purposes from the beginning. Not for those who want to have a result in one session. Not for those who cannot follow the instructions and advices. Not for those who cancel without permission, or who show up late often, and frequently change the reservations.

Q: 今まで対応してきた適応症・症状・状態・解決してきた悩みなどはどんなものがありますか?解決できましたか?- What kind of indications, symptoms, conditions, and problems have you dealt with, and all solved ?

1) 現代病・・現代社会におけるあらゆる作られた病気・障害・症状 ※下記絶対禁忌を除く
2) 生活習慣病・・現代社会におけるあらゆる作られた生活習慣の状態、また健康と病気の狭間にあるグレーゾーン(≒予備軍)
3) 頭頸部・・頭蓋のずれ|ストレートネック|顎関節症|顔のゆがみ|頸痛(急性/慢性)|吐き気|各種めまい|耳鳴り|眼精疲労|耳鳴り|難聴|鼻詰まり|頭痛(偏頭痛/群発/(筋)緊張型)|頚部痛(ぎっくり首/寝違え/頚椎症/むち打ち etc
4) 肩上肢帯・・肩凝り|上肢(腕/手先)の痺れ|四十肩/五十肩|鍵盤損傷|肩関節周囲炎|腱鞘炎|ばね指|テニス肘|ゴルフ肘|野球肘|指のしびれ|こわばり etc
5) 体幹(背部/胸部/腰部) – 急性&慢性腰痛|背部痛|背部の凝り|椎間板ヘルニア|猫背|反り腰|ぎっくり腰(急性腰痛)|胸部痛|呼吸異常|側弯症|喘息|すべり症|椎間板ヘルニア|脊柱管狭窄症|椎間関節症狭窄症 etc
6) 骨盤下肢・・膝痛|坐骨神経痛|可動域減|股関節の違和感|変形性股関節症|OX脚|ランニング痛|変形性膝関節症 etc
7) 内臓機能低下全般・・現代社会におけるあらゆる内臓機能の低下。自律神経系|食事による消化吸収代謝の作用低下|ホルモン異常|姿勢や骨格の歪みからくる肋間/内臓の機能低下 etc
8) 女性機能関連・・生理痛|PMS(月経前症候群)|骨盤のゆがみ|産前産後(マタニティ)|逆子調整|更年期障害|不妊|ホルモン障害|育児中の腱鞘炎|妊娠時腰痛|子宮筋腫|おねしょ(夜尿症)|女性アスリート特有のな悩み&症状 etc
9) ほか・・ストレス|鬱/躁鬱|イライラ|神経痛|各種カラダのしびれ|自律神経症|姿勢ゆがみ|スポーツ障害|各種冷え性|各種倦怠感/疲労感|各種歩行時痛|各種運動時痛|各種自発痛|不安症|肌荒れ(肌自身/ニキビ/湿疹/シミ)|むくみ|睡眠障害(不眠・浅眠)|尿漏れ etc

A:Yes most of them I have faced and solved in a way for their better version of self. For examples…
1) Modern diseases: All manufactured diseases, disorders, and symptoms in modern society *Excluding the absolute contraindications listed below
2) Lifestyle-related diseases: All manufactured lifestyles in modern society, as well as the gray zone between health and illness (≒ potential illnesses)
3) Head and neck: Skull misalignment, straight neck, temporomandibular joint disorder, facial distortion, neck pain (acute/chronic), nausea, various types of dizziness, tinnitus, eye strain, tinnitus, hearing loss, stuffy nose, headache (migraine/cluster/(muscle) tension type), neck pain (strained neck/stiff neck/cervical spondylosis/whiplash, etc
4) Shoulder and upper limb girdle: Stiff shoulders, numbness in upper limbs (arms/fingers), frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury, shoulder periarthritis, tendonitis, trigger finger, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, baseball elbow, finger numbness, stiffness, etc
5) Trunk (back/chest/lower back) – Acute & chronic lower back pain | Back pain | Stiffness in the back | Herniated disc | Hunchback | Arched back | Lumbago (acute lower back pain) | Chest pain | Abnormal breathing | Scoliosis | Asthma | Spondylolisthesis | Herniated disc | Spinal stenosis | Facet joint stenosis etc
6) Pelvis and lower limbs… Knee pain | Sciatica | Reduced range of motion | Discomfort in the hip joint | Osteoarthritis of the hip | Oxygenated legs | Running pain | Osteoarthritis of the knee etc
7) General decline in organ function… A decline in all organ function in modern society. Autonomic nervous system | Decreased digestive and metabolic function due to food | Hormonal abnormalities | Decreased intercostal and visceral function due to posture and skeletal distortion, etc.
8) Female function-related: Menstrual pain | PMS (premenstrual syndrome) | Pelvic distortion | Pre- and post-natal (maternity) | Adjusting breech birth | Menopausal disorders | Infertility | Hormonal disorders | Tendonitis during childcare | Lower back pain during pregnancy | Uterine fibroids | Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) | Problems and symptoms specific to female athletes, etc.
9) Others: Stress | Depression/bipolar disorder | Irritability | Neuralgia | Various types of body numbness | Autonomic neurosis | Postural distortion | Sports injuries | Various types of cold sensitivity | Various types of fatigue/tiredness | Various types of pain when walking | Various types of pain when exercising | Various types of spontaneous pain | Anxiety | Rough skin (skin itself/acne/eczema/blemishes) | Swelling | Sleep disorders (insomnia/shallow sleep) | Urinary incontinence, etc. Contraindication: *Rheumatoid arthritis | Seronegative spondyloarthropathy | Demineralization | Ligament instability with subluxation or dislocation | *Fracture | Dislocation | Acute fracture | Ligament rupture or instability due to healed fracture | Vertebral dislocation | Atlantoaxial instability | Odontoid hypoplasia | Unstable odontoid bone and other abnormalities | Active juvenile avascular necrosis | Malignant tumor | Malignant bone tumor (spinal cord tumor, meningioma, hematoma in the spinal cord or spinal canal) | Vertebrobasilar insufficiency | Aneurysmal bone cyst, giant cell tumor | Osteoblastoma | Osteoid osteoma Progressive benign tumor | Bone and joint infections (tuberculosis, bacterium) infection, osteomyelitis, septic discitis, acute spinal tuberculosis infection) | Signs/symptoms of acute spinal cord disorders | Intracranial hypertension | Signs/symptoms of meningitis | Acute cauda equina syndrome | Clear disk herniation with signs of progressive neurological deficit | Upper cervical basal squamous | Upper cervical Arnold | Chiari malformation | Neoplastic disease of the soft and muscular tissues | Kernig sign | Positive Lehrmitte sign | Syringomyelia | Midline spinal cord separation | Upper motor neuron disorder | First cervical vertebra approach in patients with Down syndrome | Advanced organic disease | Malingering | Hysteria | Uncooperative patients/examples of relative contraindication: *Rheumatism | Collagen disease | Progressive spondylolisthesis | Unstable spondylolisthesis | Hypermobility | Joint instability | Hypermobility | Bones weakened by metabolic disorders | Sclerosing spondylitis | Discitis | Bones weakened by metabolic disorders | Bleeding due to anticoagulant therapy or blood disorders | Osteoporosis | Osteomalacia | Severe sprains or bruises | Atherosclerosis of large blood vessels (AAA)

== “Why TAIZO” ==

He is just the different. Because….says it all.

I have done way more than anyone else what anyone can do, and experienced countless times what no one else could. These things are firmly rooted within me, and t is my true worth of my professionalism. How do I make you to utilize the greatest value in your own life? It is not just about temporary improvement, healing, or performance enhancement, but It is very important that you are able to achieve your life goals. The KARADA is the source and foundation of everything.

Other Professions

KARADATourism – カラダツーリズム

Coming up…

Equine Chiropractic – 馬整体施術

– 馬は太古の時代から、人間と共生してきた –


Children Consulting – キッズカラダコンサル

– 子供の未来を考える –


Karada-Consulting Assoc. – カラダコンサル協会

If you want to go fast, go alone…
BUT if you want to go far, go together…

Meet TAIZO at…

・🇯🇵 Tokyo, JAPAN (Main Office)
・🇯🇵 Kyoto, JAPAN
・🇬🇧 London, UK
・🇪🇸 Madrid, SPAIN
・🇭🇰 Hong Kong City, HK